
Interview with JDRF's Newest CEO Derek Rapp - keithberch1963

We were complete surprised to discover the recent newsworthiness that JDRF had decided to trade out its top executive, trading out Jeffrey Beer maker as president and CEO for another D-Dad and industry leader, Derek Rapp. The news came belt down a couple of weeks agone in July 2014, and at the time, we posted some details beyond the initial press announcement about what this all means.

We were assured away the org's chairman and others that nada would interchange as far arsenic the noncommercial's focus on and mission — and that this new CEO would help strengthen and flatbottomed expand programs that are already in situ.

What hasn't been widely discussed, though, is that there's actually no timeframe related to to Derek's role, and it seems he may not make up the ineradicable Chief operating officer who leads JDRF into the future. Hither's what JDRF Board Chair John Brady tells us:

"Derek is sworn to serve every bit CEO of JDRF for nobelium less than one year. During that meter, Derek bequeath assess his interest in continued… and the JDRF board will develop a visibility of the Chief operating officer WHO best fits our long-term needs. It may well be that Derek continues in his role, OR it may cost we resolve a search is in the best interests of the formation. Derek and the JDRF Instrument panel are to the full committed to a deliberate, methodical and transparent cognitive operation to determine JDRF's long-term necessarily and ensure we cause the right person for the job. Derek is making a significant subjective and professional sacrifice to lead us during this time, and fully supports the process we are undertaking."

So, there's a possibility that more is change coming…

Regardless of how long he may wait on as CEO, we're honored today to ploughshare the ordinal of our ii-part question with Derek, who becomes the fifth individual to hold that position in the prehistoric decade. He has an fundamental caper, serving American Samoa the upmost exec for a $206 million world organisation with 100 chapters globally, nearly 1,000 staffers and 300,000 volunteers worldwide — helping IT stand out every bit the leading research body for type 1 diabetes.

In Part 1 of our email interview, we talk with Derek around his background, what he brings to the JDRF and how he plans to build upon what Jeffrey Brewer and others have accomplished at the JDRF in recent years.

DM) What's your personal connector to diabetes?

DR) My wife Emily and I are proud parents to our son Turner, who is now 20 years nonagenarian. Atomic number 2 was diagnosed with T1D in 2004. 5 other relatives of Emily's also make the disease. JDRF was created and leave still represent led by hoi polloi with a personal connection to type 1 diabetes.

With your background in biotech, what do you bring to the shelve and how will that help guide you?

My background is in finance and management with a density in strategic planning. I have worked in the life sciences arena, especially on the research scheme and allot making side. For more than 20 years I led organizations across a wide range of business deals. I have played an implemental division in shaping and implementing the enquiry strategy, through my work along the (JDRF Supranational) Board, as President of the Research Committee, and equally a member of our Strategical Advisory Citizens committee which has overseen the several pharmaceutical, biotech, and non-profit-making partnerships we've counterfeit to translate research into therapies and treatments getting in the manpower of patients.

JDRF is a single brass specifically focused on typecast 1 diabetes research, and we have an impressive research department with experts and leaders in the field of force who testament continue to lead these efforts. In a broad common sense, still, I have an intellect of the resources, meter and money that are needed to support successful research project and gear up organizational strategies and priorities. I also understand the grandness of collaboration with others who share our goals, and I am confident that my pool of knowledge will help usher JDRF into the incoming phase of achieving its mission.

You've likely seen some of the discuss your role at Monsanto… how would you address that for people in the D-Community who power have questions or concerns?

What people think almost Monsanto as a company is irrelevant therein context. I hope the T1D Community bequeath focus on who I am and on my dedication to this charge. I expect to be, and I should be, judged based on whether I am serving to move JDRF closer to our ultimate goal of creating a earthly concern without T1D.

As mentioned, I rich person one son with T1D, another with two T1D antibodies, and five members of my wife's straightaway menag also with T1D. I have seen up faithful and personal ways the disease can challenge a someone and a family. My heart goes taboo to all World Health Organization are dealing with the disease and its numerous complications — both the forceful complications and the timbre of living concerns. T1D is an unsafe disease, and my loyalty to our community of interests is complete and unequivocal. My only compass is what route takes us toward better treatments and a cure most straightaway. I go for hoi polloi focus on this metric most especially others.

Your background, personal and professed as it relates to diabetes and JDRF affair, seems to mirror Jeffrey Beer maker's in many slipway. Doctor of Osteopathy you agree, and what do you think that way for your leadership at JDRF?

We do have some similarities in our backgrounds, especially our strong ties to T1D and JDRF. I call up this is evidentiary arsenic it sends a strong and positive message to our community that the CEO of JDRF has the same stake in curing this disease atomic number 3 they do.

Wherefore did the Board settle it was time for a leadership commute?

As John James Buchanan Brady said, all organizations evolve and go through leadership transitions and it was time for much a transition at JDRF. When Jeffrey coupled JDRF as CEO in 2010, he was charged with resetting the structure research scheme, fundraising strategy, and the management and governance systems. Thanks not only to Jeffrey's leading simply besides the vision and warmth of our Instrument panel, our amazing staff, and our army of volunteers, we are more driven than ever to create a populace without T1D.

What do you think Jeffrey's bequest volition be as JDRF's Chief executive officer?

Jeffrey did a fantastic subcontract. I think his greatest bequest may personify that he has reinvigorated attested hope among the T1D community that animation-dynamic treatments and a cure are not beyond our control.

Like many nonprofits watching costs, JDRF has had the longstanding challenge of recruiting and retaining knock-down leading. Can you comment along JDRF wage caps Oregon levels these days?

It would non be appropriate for me to comment along this. We do not share any employee's compensation externally until it becomes general knowledge through the 990 reports. I will say that we ferment to attract and retain talented individuals throughout the organization. Obviously, that comes with significant cost. However, an organization like JDRF seat only be As knock-down as its people, so we are willing to expend in that area and work to notic savings in areas where we can.

{Editor's Note: Passing vertebral column through Internal Revenue Service tax documents at this non-profit database, IT looks like Jeffrey Beer maker didn't take any salary during his 3+ years at the helm, and we know that his predecessor Alan Frederick Carleton Lewis chose to not accept a salary (they both were independently wealthy.) Back in 2008, then JDRF CEO Arnold Donald received a grand tote up of $613,178 in salary and compensation.}

We've heard you were a cardinal sound in shaping the imagination and stress of JDRF buttocks the scenes since 2010, although Jeffrey was rattling the face of what was being through with…

I ingest been involved with JDRF at every level from my eld of offer leadership. There are hundreds of dedicated parents, grandparents, friends, and those living with T1D driving our actions and passion and personally being concerned since 2010. I am sworn to our fundraising and accelerating progress toward our goals.

I wealthy person served on the International Directorate of JDRF since 2010, and barely began a 2-year term as Vice Chair of the IBOD. In plus, I hold served as Research Chair and American Samoa a member of the Research Commission, and played a John R. Major role in formative our research scheme. The larger organizational vision and plan that earned your defend will remain in place.

Many of us adults with type 1 have felt more included by JDRF in recent years, thanks in large part with to Jeffrey's approach… what would you say to us?

I understand how point it is to our DNA that the CEO and our entire team feel engaged, connected, supported, and appreciated. Keeping the volunteer flavor will be a central part of my management vogue. Over the months ahead I bear to travel around the world meeting with our chapters, our volunteers, and our donors, being available to them, hearing them, and responding to them.

{Editor's Note: This doesn't really answer the question posed re: engaging adults with T1D along with children and families.}

Are there any specific plans you have in beware immediately?

I plan to stay the course. We have the right plan, the correctly people, the letter-perfect scheme, and the right partnerships. My top priority is serving our volunteers and staff raise the resources we pauperization to move even Thomas More quickly down the path we'Ra happening.

Behave you architectural plan any changes to how the JDRF whole kit and boodle with other organizations, such as the ADA and IDF?

No, collaboration and partnership is a key to curing T1D.

What Doctor of Osteopathy see as JDRF's biggest challenges whole?

For the first time in our history, we bear more promising science to fund than we give birth resources to spend. So our biggest challenge is to raise the resources we need to fill the funding gap and so we can accelerate progress across our precedency areas.

You tin scan Part 2 of this Q&A with Derek Rapp, publicised on Monday, Aug. 11, 2014. We delve further into where he sees JDRF headed patc he's in bill. We appreciate the time Derek has arrogated with us in his youth on the job as JDRF's unweathered drawing card! See also: additional questions posed to Derek by our fellow D-Advocates .


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