
This real life Cyberpunk 2077 eye mod makes my skin crawl | PC Gamer - keithberch1963

This real world Cyberpunk 2077 eye mod makes my skin crawl

This is the future - Cyberpunk 2077 eyeball mods are real
(Image credit: Four hundred Projekt Cherry)

Last week I discovered this 'Cyborg Eyeball Project' on Hackaday. Roughly mad scientist pulled this torture gimmick out of the depraved annuls of their idea, and I am enamoured with the melodic theme of it, even if it makes me very uncomfortable. Those who have afflict look eyeball-related things, do not click the supra link.

What started as a joke, spiralled into this friable-emitting impinging lense contraption, which sounds as if it hopped straight out of Cyberpunk 2077. And although its maker, Christopher Herrmann, still hasn't managed to arrive it to a salable stage, there's certainly about electric potential for the future of consistency modding.

In one attempt, Herrmann pushed the limits of what OSHPark's flexible PCBs can do. With these ultra-thin, custom PCBs he was able to get down a professional-looking at aim, though not as double-jointed as he'd ingest liked. Helium notes its unfitness to handle the heat of a soldering iron, and that unfortunately, it hurts his eyeball something major—non the most practical attribute for something knowing for daily employ. It was also a bit too dense, meaning his top eyelid ended finished pushing it downhearted whenever he blinked.

The above didn't amount to straight-out failure, however, every bit helium learned something in the sue:

"I have determined that IT is indeed possible for wires to make out unconscious between your eyelids and not die. So that is neat."

Helpful hooey.

The project log goes on to contingent another attempt, this time involving the thinnest wires imaginable, and about teeny weeny LEDs. For some reason, Herrmann managed to achieve an open-air solder of these miniscule LEDs through the use of… sticky-side-up tape. Now that's the considerate of resource I can get behind.

This version was much more flexible and peculiarly diluent, but incredibly flimsy and would end up deflexion quickly into a "potato-shaped mess."

Other attempts used the same flexible custom PCB method, but in order to make up for the lack of flexibility, Herrmann opted to "cut a gap into the ring, so glue the two ends together. This causes the PCB to take up somewhat of a conical shape." Brilliant thought process, but not the most practical solution.

I conceive atomic number 2's still making amends to the design so, you never know, by 2077 you might be visiting Herrmann in his Ripperdoc theatre for a glowy eyeball mod of your own.

Katie Wickens

Screw sports, Katie would rather watch Intel, AMD and Nvidia go at it. She can oftentimes be found loving Army Intelligence advancements, sighing over semiconductors, or gawping at the latest GPU upgrades. She's been obsessed with computers and graphics since she was lowercase, and took Game Art and Pattern up to Masters tear down at uni. Her thirst for absurd Raspberry Pi projects will never be satiate, and she will hitch at nothing to spread net safety sentience—knock down with the hackers.


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